Link: the printed book as a preservation device

My 2008 article about digital deterioration of e-books has, in a fit of irony, become unfindable through Google. The reason may be that no-one links to it any more, including the platform on which it was published. So let me link to it myself: The printed book as a preservation device In the article I … Read More

My Russo-Ukrainian War playlist

This is the propaganda I watch and listen to on Youtube. Content warning: all of these channels discuss and often show extreme forms of violence. Not just because they discuss war, but also because almost all Russians are terrorists and criminals or supporters of terrorists and criminals, and because Russia wants to genocide Ukraine into … Read More

[Dutch] Juridische strategieën voor contractonderhandeling door freelancers

Als freelancer kom ik het regelmatig tegen: je onderhandelt met een werkvloermanager binnen een groot bedrijf, bent al rond, iedereen kijkt blij, maar dan krijg je nog eens een contract van 20 pagina’s voor de kiezen dat 500 % in jouw nadeel is geschreven en waar je je maar even mee akkoord moet verklaren, anders … Read More

Worth a listen

(Big Thief’s 2016 NPR Tiny Desk concert.)

The search engine that lets you remove the most popular web sites

This is a nifty thing: Million Short is a search engine that will let you remove links to the million most popular web sites from its search results. Sometimes good (and more importantly, relevant) sites get crowded out by popular sites in the results of search engines like Google. This is a natural result of … Read More

Elon Musk according to Lefttube

Elon Musk is a wealthy industrialist and an aspirational character to many, certainly to himself. If you call yourself the founder of Tesla, a company you bought, at the very least that means you wanted to be the founder of Tesla. The disconnect between how Musk and his mindless fans portray Musk and the person … Read More

Dutch photography magazines

The things you want to get better at you need to consume and you need to practice. Consumption of photography can be done, amongst a great number of other ways, through the consumption of photography magazines. Problem #1: when people say “photography magazines”, they mean “camera equipment magazines”. You know the type, left page is … Read More

Retro computing scene alive and kicking

It started with this 2014 Commodore 64 demo music by Pex “Mahoney” Tufvesson. If you were to follow that link (please come back!), you would hear an indiscriminate collection of bleeps and grunts. You will have to take my word for it that these bleeps and grunts are in some ways better than any assortment … Read More

I started something

I started another blog. Why, Branko, you say (sarcastically), how nice of you considering the many, many (*cough*) things you post here. You would not be wrong about that. I do blog too little. The new blog, called Beezels, because I needed a name and any silly thing would do, has a single purpose: to … Read More

Cory Doctorow says: no more inCaps!

Cory Doctorow wants to stop using weirdly spelled brand names: This year, I resolve to minimize my use of incaps when writing about commercial products and companies. An incap changes a word into a logo, and has no place in journalism or commentary — it’s branding activity that colonizes everyday communications. It’s free advertising. So: … Read More