Headless Wordpress equals…

I never quite understood what headless Wordpress means in practice, but then I decided to apply some maths to the problem. Tell me if you believe this works: headless chickens = wordpress developers headless = (wordpress developers) / chickens headless wordpress = (wordpress^3 developers) / chickens

A simple way of getting to know the Vue Javascript framework

(Disclosure: this may work for me but not for others, see the bottom of this piece for why.) Vue is one of the larger and more popular Javascript frameworks. It is very versatile and has great documentation. It can be used in different ways, either using Single File Components or as a library. It supports … Read More

The table-top game that packs tons of strategy in a sprint

7 Wonders Duel If you are looking for a two-player table-top game and can curb your rage, buy this game. The other day my friend told me my table top games are boring. She has also taken to calling me a boomer, so I had to move quickly! (Rest assured I fit solidly in the … Read More