Some minor blog-keeping

I have changed a few small things on this blog that should make your experience slightly better: – I replaced the plugin that took care of the Recent Comments section in the sidebar by something called Better Recent Comments… because it is better. (In this case, because the old one stopped working.) – I made … Read More

Two notes on using Docker in 2020 on a non-vanilla Windows 10 Home system

A couple of things I ran across today when trying to install Docker on Windows 10 Home. All the documentation I have run across so far seems to assume that you have a freshly installed Windows. Docker for Windows 10 Home in 2020 is basically Docker for Linux ran through the WSL (Windows Subsystem for … Read More

More on the Million Short search engine and on adding search engines to your browser

In my most recent post I introduced the search engine that lets you remove the most popular web sites from its results, Million Short. Removing those websites should help you counteract some of the bias that search engines may have towards popular websites. I felt like checking out if the concept actually works, so I … Read More

The search engine that lets you remove the most popular web sites

This is a nifty thing: Million Short is a search engine that will let you remove links to the million most popular web sites from its search results. Sometimes good (and more importantly, relevant) sites get crowded out by popular sites in the results of search engines like Google. This is a natural result of … Read More

Drupal legends are legendary

I got this graph from It made me laugh out loud. It shows you which versions of Drupal, one of the more popular off-the-shelf content management systems, are used the most. For some reason the webmasters of decided to split the then current major version, 8, into all its medium versions. If you … Read More

Elon Musk according to Lefttube

Elon Musk is a wealthy industrialist and an aspirational character to many, certainly to himself. If you call yourself the founder of Tesla, a company you bought, at the very least that means you wanted to be the founder of Tesla. The disconnect between how Musk and his mindless fans portray Musk and the person … Read More

Facebook: watch out for third-party page edit requests

Two years ago, I received an ominous e-mail from Facebook: “Peope who recently visited your page recommended changes to the information on your page. Please verify the information below for accuracy. [List of changes.] If we don’t hear from you before [11 days from now], the information in question will be automatically updated.” Users can … Read More

You can find anything on Google these days

It is Google’s aim to make all the knowledge of the world findable, but is it also Google’s aim to own all the information of the world? One day I wanted to find out about upcoming events in Amsterdam pop concert venue Paradiso and because I assumed the URL might not be, I googled … Read More

My bullies are not your bullies

When I was much younger and in elementary school, I got beaten up daily—or so it feels 40 years later. In reality it was probably regularly but not every day. Having largely outgrown being bullied in my teens (which is a thing that ran parallel to the other kids outgrowing bullying, I have no illusions … Read More