Will Russia replace the Progress cargo space ship by the Argo?

I came across a story of sorts on a website called The Moscow Times that said that Russia was planning to create a reusable rocket to compete with Elon Musk. I did not know that Elon Musk was a rocket. The details in the article from 30 September seem to conflict wildly. The rocket becomes … Read More

The most boring sport, Formula 1, is using Youtube to get better

I am not going to lie—when I watched Formula 1 in the 1990s, it was mostly because my fellow countryman Jos Verstappen was enjoying a moderate amount of success in the sport. And when I started watching it again in the 2010s, it was because Jos’ son Max was entering the same sport, heralded as … Read More

Freelance.nl is bijna exclusief voor tussenpersonen (Dutch)

Ik ben een freelance webdeveloper. Dat wil zeggen dat ik als eenpitter en niet op basis van loondienst voor mijn beroep aan websites werk. Het grootste deel van mijn opdrachtgevers vindt mij zelfstandig of via mijn netwerk. Ik heb echter ook een account op freelance.nl, de grootste marktplaats in Nederland voor freelancers (althans, dat was … Read More

Possibly crooked judge gets taken off case about definitely bad doctor

The court of The Hague is perhaps not known as the most even-handed in the world. This is the court where large, foreign media conglomerates shop for copyright jurisprudence. This is also the court that committed a crime in 2014 when it advertised for fresh judges, saying that women needed not apply. That was a … Read More

Test: scaling images up

I was playing around with scaling up images in The GIMP and stumbled upon a method (scale to larger than you need, then scale down to the desired result) that seemed to get exceptionally good results. I wanted to find out if this was a fluke, so I ran some tests. My conclusion appears to … Read More

The difference between a cheapo ‘netbook’ and a high-end laptop is…

… about 450 gigabytes in storage. I was looking for a cheap, small form-factor laptop on a comparison site that lists thousands of them and I found plenty of cheap ones. When I made the two screenshots above, I had only selected a screen size, and I had sorted the results by price. The left … Read More

Drupal 7 module integration testing

The information below is available in other places, but I figured I would bring it together as a sort of note-to-self, because this had me stumped for a day. Suppose you have a Drupal contrib module A that you are writing tests for. Contrib module B is optionally extending the functionality of module A, and … Read More