I started something
I started another blog. Why, Branko, you say (sarcastically), how nice of you considering the many, many (*cough*) things you post here.
You would not be wrong about that. I do blog too little.
The new blog, called Beezels, because I needed a name and any silly thing would do, has a single purpose: to write about cool stuff I found on clickbait sites so that I can share them on Facebook without actually having to force my Facebook friends to go onto these clickbait sites. Cutting out the middle man, so to speak.
As it happens, most of the really cool stuf on clickbait sites (of course I mean cats) is stolen from elsewhere anyway, so this blog will allow me to do something that clickbait sites seem to be hesitant to do, which is to acknowledge and link to the originals.
I am still hammering out the details. What is online now is little more than a test version. Feedback is welcome (here).
A few of my goals:
- Stuff I and my Facebook friends find cool and that is shareworthy.
- In others words (though it may not look like it), this is supposed to be a personal site.
- Leaner than lean, content is king.
- Corollary: no ads that require interactive technology like JavaScript (which probably means: no ads—I am fine with that).
- Facebook-ready.
- Acknowledging sources.
- No comments; the goal is that these links get shared in your networks, not in mine.
The content, of course, is clickbait, but my goal is not so much to draw you in but to send you on your way with something nice that you can share. No idea if and how this will work, we’ll just have to see.
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