Minor housekeeping

Close on the heels of last month I made a couple of more improvements that you probably wouldn’t even have noticed had I not told you about them in the following.

1. Killed Google Ads. I started running these in January 2007, and three and a half years later I have made as much as 20 euro. That is less than I spend a year for having a professional Flickr account, and far less than what I would pay, if I had to for some obscure reason, to not have ads on my blog. So, simple choice, but took some time to execute.

2. Fixed a bug that redirected commenters to an error page. A bad usability flaw, but every time I ran across it I lacked the time to sit down and fix it. Now: fixed.

3. On single blog pages I have inserted a navigation bar with links to the previous and next post. There was already such a bar at the top of each post page, but now I have added one below the post. This is so that you can read long posts and immediately click through to the previous or next one.

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