Today’s youth, eh?

van alle menschen, die oom verachtte en wantrouwde, waren er geen, voor wie die verachting en dat wantrouwen grooter was, dan voor de winderige, laffe, beginsellooze jongelieden van de negentiende eeuw From “Joachim Polsbroekerwoud” by Vlerk, pseudonym of Bernardus Gewin (1812-1873). Translation: “because of all the people that uncle hated and mistrusted there were none … Read More


A face I saw this morning:

Llamatron high-score

Scored 2,291,522 at Llamatron tonight. Baaaaa!

If you would only love me…

The other day the wonderful Louise Hope post-processed a book I had uploaded to the Distributed Proofreaders to be proofread, and did so at a speed us mortals can only dream of. The book is an Arthur Pinero play, The “Mind the Paint” Girl, which had some success on Broadway and in the form of … Read More


The room to the left is lit by an 11 Watt CFL, the room to the right by a 60 Watt incandescent lamp. The first picture was taken right after switching both lights on, the second about two to three minutes after. The first lamp cost 4.50 euro, the second I don’t know, but it … Read More

I think I b0rked something

I was a bit over-zealous (or under-careful) when I removed the Project Wonderful ads from my entry pages, and broke stuff in the process. Please let me know if there’s something you think you ought to be seeing here but don’t. I mean, apart from hot chicks in almost absent bikinis.

Amsterdamse Bos revisited

I packed some weight in my back-pack, because sometime this summer I will go hiking in the Ardennes, and I will be schlepping a dozen or so kilos worth of camping gear, food, drinks and clothes along. In other words: preparation time. I went for another walk through the Amsterdamse Bos, this one a bit … Read More

O hammers, head

Richard Carrier writes about the books recovered from the lava-covered town of Herculanaeum, and this sentence that he came across in one of them: For example, consider the man in Alexandria who was a foot tall, with a colossal head that could be beaten with a hammer, who used to be exhibited by the embalmers. … Read More

The cool-sucky playground fallacy

Here’s a fallacy that in these fast moving times I observe on a regular basis: people on the internet arguing that everything on the internet is wrong. People using free software to argue that free software sucks (a recurring occurrence at Slashdot). Jack Valenti arguing for eternal copyright, yet nobody wants to read his book. … Read More

Beneath a Steel Sky

(First published at Teleread.) Not really news, except to me: the classic graphical adventure game Beneath a Steel Sky has been republished as freeware by its original authors. When the game first came out, somewhere in the 1990s, I thought of buying it based on playing a cover disk demo, but never got around to … Read More