The Lost Son

A long, long, long time ago, I used to help publish an amateur comic strip magazine called Iris. We had a couple of artists on board that went on and made a name for themselves, entirely deserved (Maaike Hartjes, Mark Retera), but the ones we liked best are still relatively unknown today.

I (we?) called these cartoonists The Big Three: Jan Krol, Gnoe and Paul Hoogma. What made their comics work was that their authors were stark raving mad, or, to put it nicely, busy hacking away several yards outside the mold. I think if you had shown them a mold, they would not have known what to do with it. In other words, they were light-years ahead of us.

To my delight I discover on this my birthday that Gnoe has started a website several years ago. A bit out of character perhaps, but I’ll take it.

[sample cartoon]
Translation: “Another one of those dubious achievments from the sixties: gay men kissing in public. They frighten our muslims and give us a bad name in Poland.”
(Cartoon copyright 2005 by Gnoe. Part of a series mocking the Christian fundie Back to the Fifties movement.)

3 responses to “The Lost Son”

  1. paul hoogma says:

    Hoi Branko!

    Hoe gaat het? Hopelijk is alles goed met je. Bedankt voor deze fraaie bijdrage aan mijn naams-google! “What made their comics work was that their authors were stark raving mad”. Kostelijk!

    Met de vriendelijke groeten, Paul Hoogma

  2. […] (foto. Traduzione della scritta: “Another one of those dubious achievements from the sixties: gay men kissing in public. They frighten our Muslims and give us a bad name in Poland”) […]

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