publishes in Sony Librie format is a website that converts etexts of Project Gutenberg into formats that ebook devices can read. Project Gutenberg uses what it calls “plain vanilla ASCII” as a base format, and produces most of its works also in HTML format. However, ebook devices usually require some sort of specialised format. publishes texts in Plucker, Doc, Isilo, Rocket Ebook, Ztxt, PDF, Palm Reader/Ereader, and TCR formats. According to Teleread, it has added the Sony Librie .lrf format to that already impressive list, albeit in beta.

The Sony Librie is the first ereader that uses Philips’ e-ink technology. When it came out last year, it was immediately condemned by many for its subscription model; you could only rent books. Recently it has become possible to install books onto the device without paying a subscription fee, making it a viable ebook reader.

(BTW, we of the Campaign for Decent Capitalizing refuse to spell names as eBook, zTxt, iSilo, E·Ink et cetera. To the marketeers of the world who come up with these inane spellings: grow up!)

2 responses to “ publishes in Sony Librie format”

  1. Branko Collin says:

    testing comment notification

  2. Branko Collin says:

    testing the hyperling approval mechanism.

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